Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Hawkeye #3

I'm not very good at remembering to blog about things. I meant to blog about Hawkeye #2, because I loved it as much as the first issue, but just didn't get around to it.

But Hawkeye #3? I just HAD to write about this issue. It's perfection. There's not a bad thing I can say about it (well, I can say a bad thing or two about Clint, but I'll get to that in a moment). Firstly (and perhaps most importantly), David Aja's artwork is just jaw-droppingly good. Gorgeous, in fact. I probably shouldn't admit this, but I totally fancy Clint when Aja draws him. Let's move on...

Aja captures movement and action quite unlike any other artist out there. Every page is packed with panels that involve you in the story as if it's a series of moving images. That is not an easy thing to do. In fact, the entire issue is just like a mini movie. The car chase scene on the bridge will have you sitting on the edge of your seat.

I praised Matt Holingsworth's colours in my last post and he doesn't disappoint again here. Muted browns against cool purples and greens denote the scene changes and work magnificently to help the story move along seamlessly.

Matt Fraction really does seem to have a good grip on Clint's character. Bit of an arse? Yep. But he's also funny, self-deprecating and brave. And hot, did I mention that already? Moving on...

There's one thing about this issue that's puzzling me (don't read any further if you don't want spoilers): Clint hooks up with a cute redhead, but isn't he supposed to be seeing Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman)? So either this issue is not set in the same continuity as the current issues of Avengers (although I'm sure I remember Fraction saying that future issues might explore his relationship with Jessica), or Clint is a complete dirtbag. And I'm not so sure he's that much of a he?

EDIT: I asked Matt Fraction on Twitter if Clint cheated on Jessica...he said: "If you ask him? No. If you ask her? Yes. Read HAWKGUY 7." Intriguing!

That aside, this issue is outstanding. Once again, I can't wait for next month. The best title out there right now. If you're not reading it, you should be.

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